Daily Archives: April 28, 2010

Saturday, May 8, 12:00 noon – 4:00 pm – Sheep Shearing Day

OK, we know we’re obsessed with sheep shearing, but Kate Pokorny made converts out of the Garden Club of the Back Bay members.  So celebrate spring at this annual program on Saturday, May 8, from noon – 4, at Watson Farm in Jamestown, Rhode Island.  Watch the farm flock be shorn by local shearers and visit with the baby lambs.  View the farm’s herd of heritage Red Devon Cattle and enjoy a scenic hike around the farm, located on Narragansett Bay.  Free to Historic New England members, $10 per car for nonmembers.   For more information, call 401-423-0005, or log on to www.historicnewengland.org.

Saturday, May 8, 11:00 am – 4:00 pm – Draft Horse Plow Day

While we’re still on the topic of sheep shearing, come to the Spencer-Peirce Little Farm in Newbury, Massachusetts on Saturday, May 8, from 11 – 4, if you’re not already headed down to Rhode Island to Watson Farm, and watch teams of draft horses and mules from throughout New England participate in plowing demonstrations as part of this annual event.  learn how horses are harnessed, hitched, and cared for.  Watch the – you guessed it – sheep shearing and see how the wool is washed, carded, and spun into yarn.  Enjoy horse-drawn wagon rides, farm animals, blacksmithing demonstrations, children’s crafts and games.  Listen to fiddle music from E. J. Ouelette and watch a puppet show by Martha Dana.  Free to Historic New England members, $6 nonmember adults, $4 children.  Call 978-462-2634, or log on to www.historicnewengland.org.
