Daily Archives: April 30, 2010

Saturday, May 15, Friday & Saturday, May 21 – 22, and Saturday, May 29, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm – Annual Garden Plant Sale at Gore Place

Come purchase a wide variety of open pollinated annuals, perennials, herbs and fifteen varieties of heirloom tomatoes.  These are beautiful, hard-to-find varieties that will enhance any border or decorative garden.  You’ll have the chance to confer with Gore Place gardener Scott Clarke.  Scott has a great deal of knowledge about these varieties and he is eager to share his expertise.  The dates are Saturday, May 15, Friday and Saturday, May 21 – 22, and Saturday, May 29, from 9 – 3, but come early, since some of the offerings may be in limited supply.  Gore Place is at 52 Gore Street in Waltham, Massachusetts, and you may email events@goreplace.org for more information, or call Thom Roach at 781-894-2798.


Sunday, May 2, 7:00 am – Project Bread Walk for Hunger

Project Bread’s Walk for Hunger is Sunday, May 2, 2010. The 20-mile route weaving through Boston, Brookline, Newton, and Cambridge will include entertainment and free snacks along the way. On May 2nd, over 40,000 Walkers will step out and raise $4 million to help fund over 400 food pantries, soup kitchens, food banks, and food salvage programs across Massachusetts. Registration is from 7:00 to 9:00 A.M. on Boston Common. For more information, visit www.projectbread.org or call 617-723-5000. If you or someone you know is struggling to put food on the table, please call Project Bread’s FoodSource Hotline at 1-800-645-8333.


Saturday, May 8, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm – Rose Advice

Andy Langley of Conard-Pyle Roses will be in the Russell’s Garden Center rose yard to help you select the perfect rose for your garden. Since its founding in 1897, The Conard-Pyle Co. has evolved from a retail mail order firm specializing in roses, to a wholesale container nursery. Today, they grow an extensive range of perennials, ground covers, grasses, woody ornamental plants and roses (see the Knock Out rose below.)

As one of the pioneer container growers on the East Coast and currently one of the largest and most respected, Conard-Pyle has over 5 million plants growing in its Pennsylvania and Maryland nurseries. In the San Joaquin Valley of California, it grows an equal quantity of Star® Roses.

Over 75 years ago, Robert Pyle laid the foundation that still exists at The Conard-Pyle Co. today. A beautiful garden begins with exceptional plants. By establishing friendships with nurseries and hybridizers all over the world, Pyle expanded its horticultural palette. These friendships have allowed them to work with some of the world’s most innovative nurseries to introduce plants that have passed the ultimate test — the rigorous American climate.  The event is free. For more information, log on to www.russellsgardencenter.com, or call 508-358-2283.


Thursday, May 13, 6:00 pm – Boston Preservation Alliance Auction and Awards

Join the Boston Preservation Alliance for Gala on the Greenway, the 2010 Auction and Living Icons Award night, at Goulston & Storrs, 400 Atlantic Avenue in Boston.  Silent and Live Auctions begin at 6:00.  The Boston Preservation Alliance honors Governor Michael S. Dukakis (below, middle) and Frederick P. Salvucci (below, right), former Secretary of Transportation for the Commonwealth.  The pair will be presented with the Alliance’s first “Living Icons” award for their vision in conceiving Boston’s Central Artery Project, and fortitude in making it a reality. Hors d’oeuvre and cocktails by La Morra, wines by Greenvale Vineyards in Portsmouth, Rhode Island.  Tickets $150, of which $115 is deductible.  For more information on the awards and auction items log on to www.bostonpreservation.org.
