Daily Archives: May 2, 2010

Wednesday, June 2, 10:00 am – 1:00 pm – Native Shrub Heroes

The New England Wild Flower Society is having a session with Robin Wilkerson at The Garden in the Woods in Framingham on Wednesday, June 2, from 10 – 1. Learn about plants that offer color and form to our landscapes, but also provide nourishment and habitat for birds, mammals, and insects.  Find out which shrubs can replace any non-native invasive shrubs lingering in a back corner of your garden-burning bush anyone? Discover the reasons for going native in your plant selection, as Robin Wilkerson introduces you to a choice collection of beautiful and “well behaved” indigenous plants. Following a lecture and slide program, walk the Garden to see these shrubs in their early summer glory.  The fee is $33 for NEWFS members, $39 for nonmembers, and you may register online at www.newfs.org, or by calling 508-877-7630.


Saturday, May 15, 11:00 am – 3:00 pm – South Boston Grows

Share Our Strength’s Operation Frontline of Boston is sponsoring a service day on Saturday, May 15 from 11 – 3.  South Boston Grows aims to improve community green space and to increase knowledge of growing edible plants with the long term goal of increasing access and exposure to and intake of fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs among under-served populations in South Boston.  If you can help, please rsvp to Tony at tdellovo@ofl.org, or call 617-774-1326 to sign up or to ask any additional questions.  Children are welcome!  All children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.  Rain or shine, please bring your own work gloves, and Save Our Strength will provide lunch.  The service site is at 70 Devine Way in South Boston.  Street parking is available and the Andrew T stop is a 5 minute walk.


Sunday, May 16, 2:00 pm – Horticulturists of Forest Hills

Discover the horticulturists of 19th century Boston, who developed many of the fruits, flowers and trees that we enjoy today, during a tour led by author and historian Anthony Sammarco at Forest Hills Cemetery, 95 Forest Hills Avenue, Jamaica Plain, on Sunday, May 16, beginning at 2:00 pm.  The walking tour is sponsored by The Forest Hills Educational Trust, and there will be a $9 fee to attend.  Sample some of the edible creations of these pioneering horticulturists, including Bartlett’s Pear and Downer’s Late Cherry.  For more information, call 617-524-3354, or log on to www.foresthillstrust.org.  Postcard below painted by Catharina Klein (1861 – 1929).


Saturday, July 17 – Saturday, July 24 – A Garden Tour

The Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts, Inc. and the Southeastern District presents “A Garden Tour”, a standard flower show at the Barnstable County Fair,  Fair hours: 12:00 pm – 10:00 pm every day.  Entries are open to all members of the Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts, Inc. and any members of National Garden Clubs, Inc.  New entry days are Saturday, July 17 and Wednesday, July 21.  An exhibitors’ meeting will take place Friday, June 11, at 9:30 am.  For more information on entering, contact Flower Show Chairman Robin Murphy at 508-295-9076, or email heroncreekdesign@msn.com.  For a complete schedule or entry information contact Hila Lyman, Design Division Entries Chairman, at 508-548-0841, or email her at hilajeanne@comcast.net.

The Barnstable County Fair has been an annual summer tradition on Cape Cod for 164 years. The Fair is a place where families can spend the day together and share experiences they can only experience at the Barnstable County Fair.

There are animal shows, 4-H demonstrations, petting zoos, horticulture displays, rides, games, live music, arts & crafts, food and commercial vendors with various arts and crafts for sale.

For more information on the fair, log on to www.barnstablecountyfair.org.
