Daily Archives: June 26, 2010

Wednesday, July 7, 4:00 pm – Growing Organic Crops: Nutritional Values

Highfield Hall, 56 Highfield Drive in Falmouth, presents another in its series of garden lectures on Wednesday, July 7 beginning at 4pm with Ron Smolowitz, Owner and Operator of Coonamesset Farm in Falmouth (pictured below,) speaking on Growing Organic Crops: Nutritional Value. Ron’s expertise in small-scale agriculture, aquaculture, and fisheries has kept him a busy man, running his 20 acre farm and research center, Coonamessett Farms in Falmouth, since 1989, all the while consulting and writing, too.  Ron will be sharing methods for successfully growing organic crops in the garden to maximize the nutritional value of everything you present for the table.  After the presentation, he will contribute produce from his garden to the Tapas & Tastings culinary session at 5:30 in Highfield Hall’s kitchen.  $5 suggested donation.  Log on to www.highfieldhall.org for more information.


Saturday, July 3, 10:00 am – 6:00 pm – Cultural Survival Bazaar

Come to the Boston Common Parkman Bandstand, 170 – 175 Tremont Street,  on Saturday, July 3, between 10 – 6, for Cultural Survival’s festival of indigenous arts, music and culture from around the world.  Meet the artisans, and learn about thousands of handmade crafts, as well as the many projects supported through each sale.  Enjoy Thai cuisine, free live music, cultural presentations, and more.

Yarina trio, playing traditional folk music of the Americas, Lakota singer and drummer Tim Swallow, and others will perform.  Zapotec weaver Jose Buenaventura Gonzalez will present a telar or loom demonstration, and Benard Domingo, a Shona artisan from Zimbabwe, will give a wire and bead art workshop.  Henna tattooing, Hmong embroidery, and Alejebre or wood carving and painting will be highlighted as well.  Dean’s Beans will provide excellent organic and fair trade coffee.  For more information, log on to www.culturalsurvival.org. Free admission.  The event is sponsored by Whole Foods, Massachusetts Worldfest, Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, and Penske.

Saturday, July 10, 11:00 am – Suzy Bales Lecture and Luncheon

A special treat awaits gardening enthusiasts on Saturday, July 10, beginning at 11 am at the Provincetown Art Association and Museum at the corner of Commercial and Bangs Streets in Provincetown.  You will have the chance to meet renowned gardening expert Suzy Bales.

Bales has published thirteen popular books on the topic of gardening and won the Garden Writer of the Year Award from the American Horticultural Society in 1995. She has twice been awarded the Quill and Trowel Award by The Garden Writers of America. Fellow gardeners may recognize Bales from her frequent TV appearances on ABC and NBC as well as her series of garden spots on Good Morning America. She travels and lectures constantly and has been the featured speaker at Epcot, the Williamsburg Garden Symposium and other flower shows across the country including Philadelphia, Seattle, San Francisco, Boston, St. Louis and Atlanta. Suzy has twice been a featured speaker at the Disney Institute and was a judge and the headline speaker at the Northwest Garden Show in February 2004. PAAM is pleased to host Bales, who will offer an informative lecture at the museum, followed by a luncheon hosted by Ricki Nenner at her Charles Zehnder modernist house and garden in Truro.  Tickets are $50 ($20 if attending the lecture only), and may be obtained by calling PAAM at 508-487-1750.
