Wednesday, July 7, 4:00 pm – Growing Organic Crops: Nutritional Values
Highfield Hall, 56 Highfield Drive in Falmouth, presents another in its series of garden lectures on Wednesday, July 7 beginning at 4pm with Ron Smolowitz, Owner and Operator of Coonamesset Farm in Falmouth (pictured below,) speaking on Growing Organic Crops: Nutritional Value. Ron’s expertise in small-scale agriculture, aquaculture, and fisheries has kept him a busy man, running his 20 acre farm and research center, Coonamessett Farms in Falmouth, since 1989, all the while consulting and writing, too. Ron will be sharing methods for successfully growing organic crops in the garden to maximize the nutritional value of everything you present for the table. After the presentation, he will contribute produce from his garden to the Tapas & Tastings culinary session at 5:30 in Highfield Hall’s kitchen. $5 suggested donation. Log on to for more information.