Thursday, July 15, 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm – UNH Stormwater Center and Land Planning

The Ecological Landscaping Association, in collaboration with the Thompson School of Applied Science. offers this professionally guided tour at the University of New Hampshire in Durham on Thursday, July 15, from 2 – 6.  The tour will include the BMP solutions at the UNH Stormwater Center, a national research site for the effects of stormwater runoff on downstream ecosystems.  The tour will also include review and site visits of the UNH Master Plan, a model of sustainable planning for New England.  As The Garden Club of the Back Bay begins its year of the examination of water issues, we felt this program would be of special interest.   $20 ELA Member, $25 Non-Member.  To register, email, or call 617-436-5838.  On line registration is available.

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