Daily Archives: August 14, 2010

Saturday, August 28, 10:00 a.m. – Fern Identification Workshop

Field trips are a long standing tradition of the Connecticut Botanical Society.  They provide an opportunity to learn about plants and habitats from some the area’s most knowledgeable botanists, and an opportunity to share your own knowledge with others.  The trips also add to the bank of knowledge of New England flora.  On each field trip, a list is made of all plant species identified, and this list becomes part of the Society’s records.  The Connecticut Botanical Society encourages the gardening public to participate in this Fern Identification Workshop at 55 Harvest Lane in Glastonbury, Connecticut, led by Casper Ultee, Past President of CBS.  Although many ferns are readily identified, some are easily confused with similar species.  This workshop will focus on those and others that are less common.  You may bring your own problem specimens (fronds only, no complete plants, please).   This workshop is limited to ten participants, and pre-registration is required by contacting the leader in advance at 860-633-7557. For field trips, wear sturdy footwear and bring a lunch.  Sunscreen and insect repellant are also recommended.  For plant identification, you may wish to bring a field guide(s), a hand lens, and a small notebook.  Familiarity with plant taxonomy is helpful, but not required.    Free to CBS members.  Non-members must pay a $15 fee, which includes a one-year membership in CBS, and entitles you to join future trips this season at no additional cost.  For more information and directions, call Casper Ultee at the number above, or log on to www.ct-botanical-society.org.


Saturday, September 11, 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm – Growing, Giving, Growing

Growing, Giving, Growing, An Evening to Support Tower Hill, will take place Saturday, September 11, from 6 – 9 at Tower Hill Botanic Garden, 11 French Drive, Boylston, Massachusetts.  Enjoy the open bar, hors d’oeuvre, summer buffet, and take an active role in the success of Tower Hill by underwriting daily operations, tasks and programs at the Garden.  Steve Fletcher, famed auctioneer and Vice President of Skinner Auctioneers and Appraisers in Marlborough, Massachusetts will be Master of Ceremonies.  He will invite sponsors to keep “Bambi at Bay” with deer repellent, help a child attend the Youth Gardening Program, forge new trails on the garden grounds, move the Camellia collection outdoors, or prune 100 ornamental trees, to mention just a few sponsor opportunities.  Individual tickets are $90 per person, sponsor tickets are $125 per person, and you are asked to respond by September 3, 2010 to Wendy Cehon at 508-869-6111, x 136.  You may also pay securely online at www.towerhillbg.org.

Saturday, September 11, 10:00 am – 12:00 noon – Bringing Plants Indoors for Winter

What do you do with summer bulbs? Learn how to keep patio plants, summer bulbs and tender perennials happy during the winter months in this Berkshire Botanical Garden Workshop, to be held Saturday, September 11, from 10 – 12, at the Garden at 5 West Stockbridge Road in Stockbridge. Discuss the tricks of the trade for bringing plants indoors and encouraging them to thrive for the winter months. Topics will cover cultivation, fertilization, watering, and health care. Participants will learn basic propagation techniques and take home a variety of cuttings. These simple, cost saving methods will help homeowners multiply their plant supply for next season’s garden.

Jenna O’Brien owns Viridissima,  a garden design and maintenance business. Her specialties include perennial gardening & design, container culture & design, and indoor gardening/houseplants. She teaches for area horticultural organizations and has completed the Horticulture Certificate Program at Berkshire Botanical Garden. Class is $20 for BBG members, $25 for nonmembers, and you may register on line at www.berkshirebotanical.org.