Daily Archives: September 20, 2011

American Horticultural Society Online Auction

For the third year in a row, the American Horticultural Society will reprise its online auction. This year’s auction features exclusive opportunities for four people to have lunch and a garden tour with notable horticulturists and landscape designers throughout the United States.

Among the tours is Fallingwater in Pennsylvania with Landscape Architect Melissa Marshall, principal designer for the award winning firm MTR Landscape Architects. Ms. Marshall was instrumental in the recent renovation of the last great Frank Lloyd Wright house with its original setting, furnishings, and artwork intact.

Also available is a tour with Allan Armitage, internationally known for his multifaceted teaching and research in new plants for the garden and greenhouse at the University of Georgia Horticulture Gardens.

Visit http://www.ahs.org/auction/ for a full list of these exceptional experiences and more information about the auction process. The deadline to bid on the auction items is September 26, 2011, 5:00PM EST. All proceeds benefit the AHS’s outreach programs and stewardship of its River Farm headquarters.

Friday, September 30 and Saturday, October 1, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm – Aster Identification Workshop

Join Polly Hill Arboretum research associate Melissa Dow Cullina for a workshop on the Identification and Ecology of Asters, September 30 – October 1, 9 – 3. In this intensive two-day workshop students will study the many asters of Martha’s Vineyard. On day one, Cullina will give a presentation on the species reported for the Island, discussing their various features, abundance, and habitat, and introduce students to terminology and morphology specific to asters using photographs and specimens. Day two the class will go afield to practice identification in the wild using field guides and manuals. Space is limited and pre-registration is required. Bring a brown bag lunch. $120/$100 for PHA members. $80 for professionals associated with Island land management or conservation. Register by calling 508-693-9426.  Photo by Susan Safford, originally published in the Martha’s Vineyard Times.