Daily Archives: September 23, 2011

Sunday, October 2, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm – Identifying the 25 Most Common Trees in Boston

If yesterday’s Arnold Arboretum walk with Ajay Sequeira wasn’t enough for you, join Kyle Port, Manager of Plant Records at the Arnold Arboretum, on Sunday, October 2, from 9 – 1 (meet at the Hunnewell Building), and in just a few hours you can learn to identify 90 percent of the trees growing in Boston, both native and nonnative. Beginning in the classroom, you will briefly review the characteristics of the 25 most common trees and learn the botanical terminology necessary to describe them. You will then walk the grounds of the Arboretum to look at mature specimens of these trees. Register on line at www.arboretum.harvard.edu. Fee $45 member, $60 nonmember.

Saturday, October 1, 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm – The Common Trees of Boston

Have you noticed a tree as you walked through the city, wanted to name it, but didn’t know where to start? Join Ajay Sequeira, Arnold Arboretum docent, for a walk through the Arboretum landscape on Saturday, October 1, from 1 – 2:30. We will learn how to identify some of the trees commonly found in the Boston area. We will note some of the characteristics common to families of trees and learn about the differences that occur between species. In case of inclement weather, contact 617.384.5209. This activity is free, but please sign up at www.arboretum.harvard.edu.