Daily Archives: February 4, 2012

Call for Floral Designers

Have you won a blue ribbon for your floral designs? Have you ever wanted to step onto the ‘big stage’ and show your talent?

Division II – the ‘open’ division of Blooms! at the Boston Flower & Garden Show – still has some openings for floral designers. You need not be a member of a garden club, but you should have both experience in designing and have won in competitions.  The payoff for competing is the recognition of your skills and imagination, and the admiration of the 65,000+ attendees at the show.  If you are interested, please contact Julie Pipe at juliepipe@comcast.net.


Tuesday, June 26 – Friday, July 6 – Midsummer Gardens and Castles of Sweden

The long, warm days of midsummer are perfect for enjoying the beautiful natural landscape and unpretentious gardens of Sweden.  American Horticultural Society host John Floyd, along with Tour Escort Antonia Lloyd Owen of Specialtours, will take you on a journey from Uppsala – home of botanist Carl Linneaus – to Stockholm, Gothenburg, and Lund, taking in the formal gardens of historic castles as well as a variety of contemporary gardens.  For complete itinerary and information, call 866-627-6621, or visit www.ahs.org.  Picture below of Uppsala University Botanical Garden.