Daily Archives: February 5, 2012

Monday, March 5, 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm – Art as a Source of Information on Horticultural Technology

Jules Janick, James Troop Distinguished Professor of Horticulture at Purdue University, will speak in the Hunnewell Building of the Arnold Arboretum on Monday, March 5, from 7 – 8:30, as part of the Director’s Lecture Series. Works of art from antiquity to the present constitute an alternate source of information on horticultural technology and science, providing significant information on subjects such as the history of technology, crop evolution, lost traits, and crop dispersal. Sources include ancient mosaics, sculpture, illustrations of medieval manuscripts, renaissance paintings, and illustrations from illuminated and printed herbals. The uses of art as a source of horticultural technology will be illustrated using examples of Paleolithic sculpture and painting, Egyptian and Mesopotamian sculpture and painting, ancient Greek paintings, Roman mosaics, Medieval illuminated herbals, and Renaissance art in its many manifestations including illustrated prayer books, fresco ceilings, paintings, drawings, sculpture, and woodcuts from printed herbals. The program is free but registration is required at 617-384-5277, or sign up on line at www.arboretum.harvard.edu.

Volunteer at the Yawkey Family Inn at Children’s Hospital Boston

To guarantee the best treatment for their sick children, patient families will travel from across the globe to Children’s Hospital Boston. Many of these families arrive in Boston with just the clothes on their backs and no temporary living arrangements. Newly renovated, named and opened, the Yawkey Family Inn (YFI) is just blocks from the hospital and doubles the amount of affordable housing available to Children’s families. With 22 bedrooms, shared bathrooms, a fully equipped kitchen and common areas, the YFI offers all of the comforts of home to families during their greatest time of need.

This house was made possible, in large part, by the Yawkey Foundations, which awarded a $3 million gift to support the new home. Additionally, the Family Inn Foundation, a long-term partner of the Yawkey Foundations, generously donated its independently operated Family Inn on Sewall Avenue to the hospital. Created 25 years ago with the support of Jean Yawkey, the Family Inn has provided much needed accommodation for out-of-town patient families.

Last year, the New England Revolution and Major League Soccer donated a greenhouse to Children’s Yawkey Family Inn, bringing sunshine to families who’ve traveled far from home for their child’s care. The staff is looking for volunteers with green thumbs to help keep this space bright. An experienced gardener or gardeners must assess the required needs of the greenhouse, including maintenance, then schedule seasonal plantings, while giving tips to the program staff regarding continued maintenance of the greenhouse, which is located at 241 Kent Street in Brookline. If you are interested, please contact Sharon Healey at 617-919-3455.