Daily Archives: February 9, 2012

Tuesday, February 28, 7:00 pm – Growing Potential: Gardening Behind Bars

On Tuesday, February 28, beginning at 7 pm, James Jiler will speak at Trinity Church, Copley Square, in a program co-sponsored by Trinity Church and The Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University entitled Growing Potential: Gardening Behind Bars. James Jiler is former Director of the GreenHouse Project, a renowned horticultural job training program for inmates at New York City’s Rikers Island prison and is author of Doing Time in the Garden. He is currently director of GreenWorks, a re-entry program in Florida offering vocational training in “Greencollar” jobs, both inside and outside prison walls. Jiler will discuss horticultural therapy, the role of gardens inside and outside of prison walls and the human and landscape transformations he has witnessed. Jiler was featured in the documentary Dirt! which explores the life-changing effects that dirt and “doing time in the garden” have had on improving/reclaiming the lives of inmates. Book-signing to follow.

For more information on James Jiler, please see www.nativesplendor.com.

Tickets available at the Shop at Trinity, by phone (617.536.0944 x225) or online arboretum.harvard.edu.
Questions: Kathy Acerbo-Bachmann, kacerbobachmann@trinitychurchboston or 617.536.0944 x217.