Tuesday, February 28, 10:00 am – 11:30 am – Volunteer Fair at Garden in the Woods

Learn about volunteer opportunities at Garden in the Woods and beyond on Tuesday, February 28 from 10 – noon. Support the native plant conservation mission of New England Wild Flower Society, while making new friends and learning about our local plants.

Volunteers are needed to lead garden tours for adults or children, to work in the garden, to help with plant propagation in the stockbeds, to assist in the library, and to volunteer beyond the garden gates working as a Plant Conservation Volunteer or with invasive plant management projects.

Attend a brief presentation about volunteer opportunities, followed by refreshments and a tour of the facilities at 180 Hemenway Road in Framingham. For more information, telephone 508-877-7630, ext. 3302, or visit www.newenglandwild.org.

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