Friday, July 20, 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm – Invasive Plant Workshop

Elizabeth Farnsworth is Senior Research Ecologist at the New England Wild Flower Society and Research Associate at Harvard Forest. On Friday, July 20, from 2 – 4, she will introduce Go Botany, a brand new interactive, online plant sharing and identification tool, at Harvard Forest, 324 Main Street in Petersham.  Part of the training will also take place in the field, identifying flora around Harvard Forest. Participants are encouraged to bring laptops, iPods and iphones for easy identification. Participants will also be asked to continue stewardship work on conservation land in their area by identifying invasives and reporting them to the Go Botany blog. Whether you have photographs, sketches, stories about using the Go Botany tool or recipes for cooking with invasives your experiences will help track invasive plants in the North Quabbin region.  The program is free.

Please RSVP to Aja Lippincott, AmeriCorps Outreach Coordinator, Mount Grace Land Conservation Trust: 978-248-2055 ext. 21, or by email at

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