Dr. Neil Hendrickson, PhD Forestry of the Bartlett Tree Research Laboratories (Northeast) will visit Martha’s Vineyard to address the subject of infestation to our native black oaks, (Quercus velutina) by the cynipid, ‘crypt’ gall wasp, (Bassettia ceropteroides). Anyone who has an interest in the landscapes, trees and natural beauty of Cape Cod and The Islands is invited to attend this free lecture at The Polly Hill Arboretum. Dr. Hendrickson will be accompanied by Mark P. DiBiase, MCA & Arborist Representative for Bartlett Tree Experts on Martha’s Vineyard and Falmouth, MA. The information session is sponsored by the local offices of the F.A. Bartlett Tree Expert Co. Inc.
For more information, you may contact Mark at mdibiase@bartlett.com or by calling 508-693-4846 or 508-540-3903. Since Wednesday is the Gardens of Martha’s Vineyard tour day, this program may work well into your schedule.