Saturday, August 18, 3:00 pm – 9:30 pm – Dunstable Grange Fair

The 86th Dunstable Grange Fair will take place Saturday, August 18.  Exhibits are open to all Massachusetts residents age 6 and up, and must be received at the Dunstable Town Common between 9 and 11 in the morning on the 18th. Premium lists (exhibit categories in which you can enter) are distributed through out town in early August. The exhibits open at 3 pm, and at 3:30 there will be a magic show by Great Scott.  From 6 – 8 enjoy a free band concert by the Contra Banditos, and at 9, the annual auction of donated items will take place, with proceeds going to the scholarship fund and other town projects.  Hot dogs, hamburgers, ice cream and sale tables are also available from 3 pm.

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