Daily Archives: October 11, 2012

Saturday, October 13, 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm – The Science, Art, and Lore of Pickling

Who doesn’t love the zesty crunch of a pickle? Before refrigeration pickling (acidic preservation) was more than just a delicious addition to a meal, it was an essential strategy for safe food storage.

Judith Sumner, author of American Household Botany: A History of Useful Plants, 1620-1900, will uncover the history of pickling with “receipts” gathered from early New England cookbooks. She will explain the antimicrobial properties of herbs and spices as well as present the wide range of foods that can be pickled. Ready to pickle at home? Modern pickling recipes and methods will also be presented.  The program will take place Saturday, October 13 beginning at 1 pm at The Polly Hill Arboretum in West Tisbury. $25/$15 for PHA members. For directions and information visit www.pollyhillarboretum.org.

Saturday, October 13, 10:00 am – 11:00 am – Inspirational Women of Botany

Herbalists, midwives, gardeners, cooks: Women have been expert practical botanists since pre-history. Many also became recognized professional botanists who contributed widely to plant science. From authoring the first botany textbooks to establishing the science of ecology, women botanists did it all! Join author Dr. Judith Sumner to explore the continuing role of women in botanical studies, conservation, landscape design, and horticulture including the significant work of the Polly Hill Arboretum’s own Polly Hill. Come celebrate the many important roles of women in practical and scientific botany on Saturday, October 13, beginning at 10 am, at the Arboretum in West Tisbury. $20/$10 for PHA members. For more information visit www.pollyhillarboretum.org.

Tuesday, October 16, 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm – Garden to Table: Squash

Whole Foods Market in Wellesley has teamed up with Massachusetts Horticultural Society’s Garden to Table program to bring you cooking classes throughout the fall and winter! Healthy Eating Specialist Lisa Caldwell, director of the Our Health Starts Here Program at Whole Foods Market in Wellesley, will help you make healthy choices in cooking, eating, and menu planning.  Classes will be held at Whole Foods Market in Wellesley.

Squash – Why? Well, why not?! They store really well throughout the winter and are so versatile! Come join us and find out all the wonderful things one can do with squash… maybe we will even make dessert with them!

Cost – $10.00 for members, $12.00 for non-members.  Reservations may be made by calling 617-933-4943. You may also pay at the class. Image from www.organicsoul.com.