Daily Archives: October 13, 2012

Thursday, October 25, 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm – Casino, Cocktails and a Cause

The Neighborhood Association of the Back Bay invites you to Casino, Cocktails  and a Cause on Thursday, October 25 from 7 – 10 at the Algonquin Club on Commonwealth Avenue.  A portion of the proceeds will benefit The Pine Street Inn.  You may order tickets on line at www.nabbonline.com – click on Casino, Cocktails., and a Cause and scroll down to the bottom of the page where you will see Buy a Ticket.


Saturday, November 3, 10:00 am – 11:30 am – Naturally Curious

Meet Mary Holland, the engaging author of Naturally Curious, A Photographic Field Guide and Month-by-Month Journey through the Fields, Woods, and Marshes of New England, and with her inspiration get started on your own journey of discovery, on Saturday, November 3, beginning at 10 am at Garden in the Woods in Framingham.  Mary guides you through a selection of each month’s most memorable natural events with information and images of native plants and wildlife, beginning in March when the earth awakens and ending in February at the end-of-year cycle.  After the presentation, examine the accompanying collection of skulls, scat, feathers, horns, antlers and more.  Books will be available for purchase and signing.  Co-sponsored by the Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University, New England Wild Flower Society, Mass Audubon Drumlin Farm, and Friends of Wellesley College Botanic Garden.  Members of any of the sponsoring organizations pay $10, non-members $15.  Register at www.newfs.org.

Friday, November 9 – Saturday, November 17 – From Shangri-La to Bali Hai: The Hawaiian Islands of Oahu & Kauai

Join Pacific Horticulture on a tropical garden adventure to the Hawaiian islands of Oahu and Kauai, November 9 – 17. Oahu, known as the Gathering Place, is home to world-famous Waikiki and an extraordinary collection of public and private gardens. Kauai, is called the Garden Island for its lush rain forests, emerald valleys, spectacular beaches and Waimea – the Grand Canyon of the Pacific. We’ve arranged a special invitation to visit Doris Duke’s Shangri-la on Oahu, a sunset tour of the Allerton Estate on Kauai (below) and much, much more.

This Pacific Horticulture Hawaii tour will be escorted by Josh Schechtel, MD, who is a pediatrician with a passion for plant propagation and garden design, PHS board member and treasurer.

For more information or to register, contact Sterling Tours. Reach them by phone at 800-976-9497 or access the Oahu/Kauai itinerary at the Sterling Tours website, http://www.sterlingtoursltd.com/OahuKauai.html.

Saturday, October 20, 10:00 am – 12:00 noon – Growing and Showing: A Fairy Garden Workshop for Kids

This workshop is designed to introduce the concepts of horticulture, plant care, and exhibiting at a flower show to young gardeners. Registrants will learn about exhibiting plants in the Amateur Horticulture section of the flower show and then will put together a container planting that will be eligible for admittance to the Junior Horticulture Classes of the 2013 Boston Flower & Garden Show in March. Participants can choose from a Fairy Garden Container, a succulent container, or a plant or container of their own choosing.

A two hour Massachusetts Horticultural Society workshop on creating the garden will take place at Elm Bank on Saturday, October 20th from 10 am to 12 noon. Mass Hort will provide soil, pots, and plants, as well as expert instruction on choosing, planting and exhibiting the garden in a flower show. Kids can also bring their own container (12″ wide or less) and plants that the presenters will help them to put together for a show stopping exhibit.

A follow up workshop will take place on Saturday, February 2nd from 10am to 12 noon. Attendees at this session will learn the steps involved in taking their plants(s) from houseplant to flower show exhibit. Grooming and presentation techniques will be demonstrated and discussed. Participants will also have assistance in filling out the paperwork to submit their plants in next years’ show.

A one time fee of $10.00 to help cover costs is due at registration. Children Ages 8-12 eligible to attend.  You can register or find out more information by calling Mass Hort at 617-933-4973.

This workshop is being generously co-sponsored by Weston Nurseries. Weston is focused on supporting activities in our local communities and being responsible with how our operation affects the environment. Photo from www.minigardener.wordpress.com.