On Saturday, April 5, from 10:30 am – 12:30 pm at Left Field Farm, 20 Root Road in Middlefield, Massachusetts, learn from experts how to start seedlings, both vegetables and annual flowers, indoors for the coming growing season. Expert growers Maureen Sullivan and Mitch Feldmesser will lead a tour of their growing operations and explain how they select ornamental varieties for their plant vigor, flower form, fragrance and color. They also do extensive growing of herb and vegetable plants, selecting for flavor as well as garden performance and productiveness. Learn about growing techniques necessary to give garden plants a good start, and garner growing tips from these professionals. In addition to the tour, practice sowing and transplanting, and take home a few special plants to grow on.
Maureen Sullivan and Mitch Feldmesser own Left Field Farm, a certified organic farm located in Middlefield. They grow hundreds of carefully selected varieties of heirloom and hybrid ornamental, herb and vegetable plants from their certified organic greenhouses. The field trip is sponsored by the Berkshire Botanical Garden, and the cost is $30 for BBG members, $35 for non-members. Participants can choose to carpool or drive separately. Those joining the carpool should meet in the parking lot at Berkshire Botanical Garden for a 9 am departure. Carpool will return at approximately 2 pm. Directions may be found at www.berkshirebotanical.org. Sign up on line or call 413-298-3926, x 15.