Enjoy yoga in a peaceful, verdant setting at Elm Bank as the gardening season begins.
Instructor Cory Halaby has been practicing yoga and meditation for more than ten years. Her classes are designed to lift the spirit, clear the mind, and cultivate strength, flexibility, and balance on and off the mat. A trained life coach and Reiki practitioner, Cory draws from a powerful mix of mind/body skills to help students tap into their own vast capacity for wisdom, joy, and wonder.
All levels welcome and encouraged! Join The Massachusetts Horticultural Society for a single class beginning Friday, April 4, from 9:30 – 10:45, ($15.00 members, $18.00 non-members) or the full eight week series ($105.00 Mass Hort members, $130.00 non-members). Email lkamer@masshort.org for more information. Image from www.tylerarboretum.org.