Daily Archives: March 27, 2014

Wednesday, April 9, 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm – Creating a Garden to Attract Butterflies, Hummingbirds and Other Creatures

On Wednesday, April 9, from 7 – 9, learn how to create an urban garden that attracts beneficial and beautiful insects, birds and even amphibians by providing nature’s basic needs: food, shelter, water and reproductive areas. Suzanne Mahler is an avid gardener, photographer and lecturer who has been developing her own property in Hanover, MA, for more than 30 years. Her weekly gardening column, Green Thumbs Up, has appeared in GateHouse Media New England newspapers for more than a decade. She is a member of two local garden clubs, past president of the New England Daylily Society, and an overseer for Massachusetts Horticultural Society. The meeting is sponsored by the Evening Garden Club of West Roxbury and takes place at the Elks Lodge, 1 Morrell Street in West Roxbury. $5 at the door. Image from www.gardencenterohio.com.  For more information visit http://gcfm.org/eveninggcwestroxbury/Home.aspx.


Saturday, April 5, 4:00 pm – Private Gardens of the Hudson Valley

This Berkshire Botanical Garden presentation features gardens that emphasize the majestic landscape that borders New York State’s Hudson River. Based on her latest book, Private Gardens of the Hudson Valley, Jane Garmey will discuss the development of 26 private gardens chosen to give a sense of place and convey the romance of the landscape. The location of these gardens plays a vital role in the making of each one. Learn how the owners deal with the transitions between the cultivated garden and its natural surroundings. The gardens include those of Gregory Long, director of the New York Botanical Garden, and Amy Goldman, doyenne of heirloom vegetables. A book signing and sale will follow the lecture.

Jane Garmey is the author of Private Gardens of Connecticut (Monacelli/Random House), the editor of The Writer in the Garden (Algonquin Books) and the author of Great British Cooking: A Well-Kept Secret (Random House) and Great New British Cooking (Simon & Schuster). Her latest book, Private Gardens of the Hudson Valley, is the subject of this lecture. She writes about gardens and interior design for The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and Elle Decor. For many years she was the garden correspondent for Town & Country.

You may register at www.berkshirebotanical.org.  $25 for BBG members, $30 for nonmembers.


Saturday, April 5, 9:30 am – 11:30 am – Tastes of the Garden: From the Heart of Italy

Whether you’re Italian or not, nothing feels more like home than a delicious Italian dinner. Stefano Granzo, Tufts University grad student, teaches us his favorite recipes from his mother’s kitchen in Venice while incorporating locally grown produce and herbs, in this Boston Natural Areas Network class to be held Saturday, April 5, from 9:30 – 11:30 at the Future Chefs Office and Teaching Kitchen, 560 Albany Street (South End), Boston. Registration required, to register call 617-542-7696 or email info@bostonnatural.org.
