Daily Archives: April 7, 2014

Saturday, April 12, 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm – Raw Foods Non-Cooking Class

Think a Raw Food Diet is just carrot sticks and celery? Paula Denoncourt and June House will share their recipes on Saturday, April 12 from 2 – 4 at Tower Hill Botanic Garden, 11 French Drive, Boylston. These raw food recipes will change your mind. Recipes may include everything from vegetarian sushi, raw tacos, raw lasagna, spaghetti, manicotti to Mexican chocolate chia pudding and much more. You will also learn the benefits of a Raw Food diet and how it can contribute to weight loss, more energy, improved mood, and resistance to illness. These classes will be hands on and will include recipes and handouts. TWBG members $30, non-members $45. Register online at www.towerhillbg.org. Image from www.therawchef.blogs.com.


Thursday, April 17, 6:00 pm – How Natural Selection Shapes Contemporary Homo Sapiens

Stephen C. Stearns, Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at Yale University, will speak at the Geological Lecture Hall, 24 Oxford Street, at the Harvard Museum of Natural History on Thursday, April 17, beginning at 6 pm, as part of the Evolution Matters Lecture Series. Have modern sanitation and medicine stopped human evolution, as some claim? Does the pressure for sexual selection of males constrain the evolution of females, and vice versa? Does having children shorten or extend life? Analyzing the data from the renowned Framingham Heart Study, a long-term study initiated in 1948 that continues to this day, evolutionary biologist Stephen Stearns will explore how natural selection has shaped women’s bodies and physical health, and how reproduction has affected women’s average lifespan.

The Evolution Matters Lecture Series is supported by a generous gift from Drs. Herman and Joan Suit. Free and open to the public, with free event parking at the 52 Oxford Street Garage.  For more information visit www.hmnh.harvard.edu.
