Saturday, April 12, 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm – Raw Foods Non-Cooking Class

Think a Raw Food Diet is just carrot sticks and celery? Paula Denoncourt and June House will share their recipes on Saturday, April 12 from 2 – 4 at Tower Hill Botanic Garden, 11 French Drive, Boylston. These raw food recipes will change your mind. Recipes may include everything from vegetarian sushi, raw tacos, raw lasagna, spaghetti, manicotti to Mexican chocolate chia pudding and much more. You will also learn the benefits of a Raw Food diet and how it can contribute to weight loss, more energy, improved mood, and resistance to illness. These classes will be hands on and will include recipes and handouts. TWBG members $30, non-members $45. Register online at Image from

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