Saturday, April 19, 10:00 am – 12:00 noon – Rejuvenating Shrubs: Lilacs, Weigela, Forsythia and More

On Saturday, April 19, from 10 – noon, the Berkshire Botanical Garden will hold an offsite workshop on Rejuvenating Shrubs: Lilacs, Weigela, Forsythia and More. Is that old lilac refusing to flower? Spring is a great time to assess your woody shrubs for shape and structure. This hands-on workshop will focus on when, why and how to renovate or rejuvenate your woody plants. Learn about tools, timing and specific techniques available to the home gardener. Following a lecture and several pruning demonstrations, participants will learn by doing.

Ron Yaple, A.A.S. Forestry, MCA/CLA, owner of Race Mountain Tree Services, has developed a regional reputation as one of the premier arborists. His company serves the tri-state region and is a full-service company. He is a dedicated and knowledgeable teacher of arboriculture.

BBG members $35, non-members $40.  Register on line at or call 413-298-3926, x 15.

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