Learn by doing in this hands-on shrub and tree planting/transplanting workshop at the Education Center at Berkshire Botanical Garden in West Stockbridge on Saturday, April 26 from 9 – noon. All aspects of successful planting will be demonstrated, and participants will assist in transplanting a multi-stem shrub and planting a small tree. Learn how to successfully transplant shrubs by correct timing and placement and techniques designed to create minimal disturbance and ensure smooth transition to a new site. Consider the differences between bare-root, container-grown or balled-and-burlapped trees and understand the importance of siting.
Ken Gooch is the Forest Health Program Director for the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation. Additionally, he is a Massachusetts Certified Arborist and teaches arboriculture at the Garden. BBG member price $35, non-member $40. Register online at www.berkshirebotanical.org, or call 413-298-3926, x 15.