Daily Archives: April 30, 2014

Sunday, May 11, 10:00 am – 4:00 pm – Lilac Sunday

Of the thousands of flowering plants in the Arnold Arboretum, only one, the lilac, is singled out each year for a daylong celebration.  Tours of the lilacs and other special collections, live music, family activities, food vendors and picnicking (on this special day only), make for a memorable day. Be a part of this beloved Boston tradition on Sunday, May 11! The Arboretum is open as usual from dawn to dusk. Refreshments and activities are available from 10:00am to 4:00pm.

Street parking along the Arboretum perimeter is limited and visitors are advised to take public transportation. No unauthorized vehicles will be allowed within the gates during the event.

Some parking spaces outside the gates will be designated for special-needs visitors. A limited number of wheelchairs are available on a first-come, first-served basis at information tents in three locations: in front of the Hunnewell Visitor Center, inside the Forest Hills Gate, and inside the Centre Street Gate. They may not be reserved in advance.  While you are in the neighborhood, we invite you to visit local shops and restaurants in Jamaica Plain and Roslindale.  For more Lilac Sunday information call the Arnold Arboretum at 617.524.1718.  Syringa Bloomerang (reg. trademark) pictured below available from www.whiteflowerfarm.com.


Tuesday, May 13, 9:00 am – Spring and Summer Containers

Deb Trickett is a Massachusetts Certified Horticulturist and a Massachusetts Certified Landscape professional. We have come to know and love her as the amazingly talented designer of container gardens. Deb’s presentations are informative, funny, interactive and filled with great ideas for making our containers at home look so much more beautiful. The Duxbury Garden Club will sponsor a program on Tuesday, May 13 beginning at 9 am at the Duxbury Bay Maritime School. 457 Washington Street in Duxbury, and the fee to attend is $5. Deb will design two gorgeous spring/summer containers for us, and the Duxbury Garden Club will raffle them off to two lucky winners!  Photo below of one of Deb’s containers from www.finegardening.com.  For more information visit www.communitygardenclubofduxbury.org.
