Saturday, February 20, 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm – Pollinator-Attracting Landscapes: Beyond the Garden Border

Learning to create a welcoming pollinator habitat is part of stewarding the land. On Saturday, February 20 at the Berkshire Botanical Garden in Stockbridge, landscape and habitat designer Tom Sullivan offers practical advice for making a landscape welcoming to a variety of beneficial insects and pollinators. Through simple acts such as creating connectivity of habitat and modifying the composition and treatment of grass and lawns, Sullivan educates us on how to increase beneficial insect populations and enhance the diversity of pollinators essential to a healthy ecosystem. $20 for BBG members, $25 for nonmembers. Register at

Tom Sullivan, MALD, at, is a pollinator habitat designer, consultant, public speaker, writer, and educator. Tom’s focus is clearly on bee survival through the habitat lens of the nesting, forage, and life cycles, as well as whole system landscape awareness. In Tom’s talks and workshops, self-referred to as his yard-by-yard approach, he offers guidelines and techniques for regenerating native bee habitats in yards, parks, farmland, and other open spaces.  Image from

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