Saturday, February 27, 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm – Maple Sugaring At Home
This February 27 workshop will demonstrate the beloved New England tradition of making maple syrup at home, using the sugar bush on the grounds of the Berkshire Botanical Garden. Chris Wellens, Youth Education Coordinator at BBG, will cover all aspects of maple sugaring: identifying suitable trees, the when and how of collecting sap, the boiling down process for the home setting, and preserving the syrup for year-round use. Participants will walk thorough the BBG sugar bush, install spiles, develop collection schedules, and boil down the maple sap into syrup. Followed by a syrup tasting. Dress for the outdoors. BBG members $25, nonmembers $30. Register online at
Chris Wellens, Youth Education Coordinator at BBG, is an old hand at making maple syrup at home, educates the community about the environment, gardening, and agriculture.