Daily Archives: May 12, 2018

Thursday, May 24, 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm – Asa Gray Garden: A Behind-The-Scenes Preview

Members of The Garden Club of the Back Bay are invited to a private tour led by Dave Barnett, President & CEO of Mount Auburn Cemetery, on Thursday, May 24 from 1:30 – 3, beginning at the Story Chapel, 580 Mount Auburn Street in Cambridge. In recognition of our Club’s role in saving the Boston Public Library’s Japanese Maples, now in the Asa Gray Garden, all members are cordially invited to a behind-the-scenes tour of the renovated garden.  Learn about the project, including details of the the native and exotic plants selected for the design, and see the final stages of the renovation up close, as planting work begins. RSVP by May 17 to Anna Moir at 617-607-1947 or amoir@mountauburn.org. If you are not a member of The Garden Club of the Back Bay, join now at http://gardenclubbackbay.org/shop.

Image result for Asa Gray Garden Mt. Auburn

Tuesday, May 22, 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm – Humane and Happy Gardening

In this myth-busting talk on Tuesday, May 22, beginning at 7 pm in the Hunnewell Building of the Arnold Arboretum, learn how common growing methods divide the natural world into false dichotomies and perpetuate misperceptions about the wild species living among us. Discover practical ways to put humane gardening philosophies into action by protecting wild nurseries of animals large and small, eliminating unintended hazards to wildlife, nurturing plants that provide food and shelter, and humanely resolving conflicts with mammals and other commonly misunderstood creatures. Nancy Lawson will provide simple principles for both attracting wildlife and peacefully resolving conflicts with all the creatures who share our world. Nancy is the author of The Humane Gardener: Nurturing a Backyard Habitat for Wildlife and blogs at http://HumaneGardener.com. Fee $10 Arboretum member; $18 nonmember.

A columnist for All Animals magazine, Nancy Lawson founded Humane Gardener, an outreach initiative dedicated to animal-friendly landscaping methods. Her book and garden have been featured in The New York Times, The Washington Post, O: The Oprah Magazine, and other media outlets. Read Nancy’s recent post, Why Should I Car About These Animals.

Register at http://my.arboretum.harvard.edu or call 617-384-5277.

Tuesday, May 22, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm – Wildflowers of Macomber Woods

Macomber Woods in Framingham is a woodland oasis that encompasses an upland forest, a babbling brook, and wooded wetlands. There is evidence of human handiwork in the stonework, cattle guards, and century-old wisteria vines and rhododendrons, but clearly the property has been untouched for decades. New England Wild Flower Society will sponsor a walk with Roland “Boot” Boutwell on May 22 from 10 – 2. We expect to see a host of spring wildflowers in bloom, including Indian cucumber root (Medeola virginiana), pink lady’s-slippers (Cypripedium acaule – picture below from GoBotany!) and jack-in-the-pulpit (Arisaema triphyllum). Bring lunch. $38 for NEWFS members, $46 for nonmembers. Co-sponsored by the Massachusetts Association of Conservation Commissions. Register at http://www.newfs.org/learn/our-programs/wildflowers-of-macomber-woods