Daily Archives: May 14, 2018

Saturday, May 19, 10:00 am – 12:00 noon – Bruso Rhododendron & Magnolia Garden Tour

Take a guided tour of hybridizer and propagator Joe Bruso’s 3-acre woodland garden containing predominantly species and hybrid rhododendrons, magnolias and wildflowers. Many of the hybrids are of his own creation. The tour is scheduled at a time when the garden is normally at peak bloom, but attractive foliage is a main theme of this garden as well. Joe is a member of the Board of Directors of the Massachusetts Chapter, American Rhododendron Society. Directions will be sent upon registration. The Tower Hill Botanic Garden sponsored tour will take place Saturday, May 19 from 10 – 12. THBG members $25, nonmembers $35. Register at https://towerhillbg.thankyou4caring.org/pages/event-registration-form—bruso-rhododendron-and-magnolia-garden

Image result for Joe Bruso Rhododendron

Thursday, May 24, 11:30 am – City of Boston Park Budget Hearing

Let’s fill the room at this City of Boston budget hearing at 11:30 on May 24 in the City Hall Council Chamber to demonstrate our support for parks and trees across all of our beautiful and diverse neighborhoods. Prepare testimony if you can, and lend your voice to the chorus of people asking for more resources to keep our green spaces and trees safe, attractive and available to all.

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