Tuesday, June 15, 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm – Container Gardening for Pollinators, Online
In this online class on June 15 from 4 – 6 taught by Berkshire Botanical Garden Director of Education Bridgette Stone, learn how to create beautiful container gardens for attracting hummingbirds and butterflies. Even a small amount of space can create a BIG impact. Understand the fundamentals of container garden design and care. Learn how using the right color and form can attract winged friends. Students will receive two seedlings to bring home and use to start their own container gardens.
Bridgette Stone is the Director of Education at Berkshire Botanical Garden. She has been a gardener, farmer and educator for over 12 years and brings a passion for experiential learning, home-scale food production and sustainable gardening practice to her work with BBG.
$10 for BBG members, $15 for nonmembers. Register at https://www.berkshirebotanical.org/events/online-container-gardening-pollinators