Delve into queering our relationship with plants through exploring and weaving together the world of botany and hands-on plant medicine-making. This Berkshire Botanical Garden session on June 20 from 11 – 1 will be held at the Garden. How can our reciprocity with plants nourish ourselves and the collective within queer existence? Join us to discuss perfect flowers and gender transforming plants, making essences as a way to shift from extractive plant harvesting, and how to reflect care and healing through connection to plants. All proceeds will be donated to Berkshire Pride.
atalanta sungurov was brought to plant medicine through zir deep love and comfort in the wild world while simultaneously navigating support for chronic illness and disability. In practicing community-based herbalism and as a white parent in a BIPOC immigrant family, a big part of the work ze does is endeavoring to provide access to land and plant medicine solidarity, especially for queer, BIPOC, disabled and immigrant communities, integrating healing justice and mutual healing of ourselves and the planet. Ze makes herbals brewed with dreams that will support us as we unfold into our collective liberation, rooted in social justice and reciprocal ecology. $25 for BBG members, $35 for nonmembers. Register at