Blooming Art is Martha’s Vineyard Garden Club’s exciting show that pairs the artwork of Vineyard artists with floral designs inspired by those works, created by Garden Club members. Happy news is that Blooming Art is returning to the Old Mill this year… A little different from past years, but happening nonetheless. In past years, we began the Blooming Art event with an ‘Opening Night Cocktail Celebration’, but due to the uncertainty of Covid, we have chosen to not have the opening night event be a part of Blooming Art this year. Instead, this lovely celebration of art and flowers will begin on Friday, and will be open to the public on Friday and Saturday from 10:00 am until 6:00 pm and on Sunday from 10:00 am until 3:00 pm. No pre-registration is necessary, an admission fee of $10.00 will be taken at the door. This event will be Covid compliant, based on the State and town regulations in place at the time of the Show.
This year we have 34 artists presenting their work and have paired the art with 34 of our Garden Club members that will be doing the floral designs for the show. All of the art work will be for sale with the Club receiving a percentage of the sales. We are planning an in-person demonstration for floral designers in May, so for exact dates and times that are available, please email Anda Woodward at For more information visit