Daily Archives: May 16, 2023

Summer 2023 CSA Sign Ups

Martha’s Vineyard:

Summer is almost here. Sign up now to reserve your weekly share of produce from the Island Grown Initiative Farm. The Summer CSA starts Thursday, June 15, and will run through Thursday, October 26. Your CSA membership supports a number of initiatives at Island Grown, from honing the regenerative growing techniques in our fields to the quality of the produce that we grow and all the way to the volume of food we’re able to donate through local channels. Sign up and get all the details at https://islandgrown.localfoodmarketplace.com/Subscriptions


Wright-Locke Farm. Register at https://www.wlfarm.org/csa-sign-up/ Some shares are already sold out. All pickups are “on-farm” at 82 Ridge St, Winchester, MA at the basement door (north side) of our new All Seasons Barn. You can wait in line for contactless pick up, or park and walk down to grab your share.

  • Tuesday: Mini Share; Flower Shares; Once-a-Month Herb/Medicinal/Foraged Share —  pick-up 3-6pm
  • Thursday: Full Share, A/B week Share; Thursday Flower Shares pick-up 3-6pm
  • There will be NO CSAs the week of July 4th (July 2nd through the 8th)

Sudbury, Manhattan, and Brooklyn:

Siena Farms’ Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a collaboration between farmers and their customers. When you purchase a CSA membership, you support Siena Farm’s 75-acre farm through the inherent risks, and delicious rewards, of farming in New England. In return, you share in our harvest with a weekly box — a Farm Share — of the best vegetables our fields have to offer through the season. We are thrilled to be delivering our CSA Farm Shares to New York City year-round for 2023!  Pickup and home delivery is now available throughout Manhattan and Brooklyn, and our Employer Sponsored Farm Share program is available for NYC employers. Complete details are found at https://sienafarms.com/collections

Chestnut Hill and Dover:

The Trustees offer CSA memberships through Chestnut Hill Farm and Powisset Farm (Weir River Farm in Hingham is already sold out) All produce is 100% certified organic. For details, visit https://shopthetrustees.org/pages/trustees-farms


Allandale Farm is continuing its CSA program in 2023 and adding a Flower Share CSA as well. Registration is now open for returning customers, and you can check out the details at https://allandalefarm.com/csa-farm-bucks


From their website: The Verrill Farm CSA program is a great way to establish healthy eating habits and broaden your palate by enjoying the vast variety of fresh, high quality produce grown right here on our farm. In line with our mission, we aim to supply the highest quality and best tasting fruits and vegetables to our CSA customers while doing our part to take care of the land on which we farm. To fulfill this pledge, we have and always will continue to practice sustainable agriculture for all of our growing practices! This year we are offering two different Verrill Farm CSA share options and two add-on shares from our local farm friends. Our 2023 CSA program will begin June 28th. Join the Verrill Farm CSA and enjoy fresh, high quality produce always grown right here in our fields in Concord & Sudbury. See what crops we grow. Visit https://verrillfarm.com/farm/csa/

For even more options, especially in Western and Central Massachusetts, visit https://www.edibleboston.com/csa-guide

Saturday, July 15, 10:00 am – 4:00 pm – Garden Conservancy Open Day – The Barn in Williamstown

These gardens were designed by Gerard St. Hilaire, and the pond area gardens were designed by Ann McCallum. This is a hilly property gradually lowering to a pond with stone staircases on two sides. One staircase takes you past the waterfall and the other leads to a play area. The stone walls all around the property contain a profusion of annuals and an entertainment area with tall grasses as well as many regional flowering plants. Beyond that area is a beautiful view of Mt. Graylock which was our intentional focus. The grape arbor path leads to more beautiful and varied native grasses. The fields to either side of the pond are left in their natural states with paths cut through them for strolling or driving a farm type vehicle. The tree line at the bottom of the property leads to a stream.

The Garden Conservancy Open Days 2023 in Massachusetts kicks off with gardens in Williamstown, in the Berkshires, on July 15 from 10 – 4. Tickets for this event became available starting May 1, and we suggest planning now due to limited availability. NEW THIS YEAR: all tickets must be purchased in advance and online. No day of tour tickets will be sold. Complete details on the website, https://www.gardenconservancy.org/open-days/ $5 Garden Conservancy members, $10 nonmembers.