Daily Archives: May 25, 2023

Darryl Moore: Gardening in a Changing World, On Demand

Faced with the challenges of the climate crisis and increasing biodiversity loss, we are at a crucial crossroads in our engagement with the rest of the natural world.

In an event to mark the launch of his new book Gardening in a Changing World, Darryl Moore had a conversation with Nigel Dunnett and Arit Anderson, discussing our past and present relationships with plants, and how we need to rethink our attitudes to them.

Gardening in a Changing World explores recent developments in horticulture, ecology and plant science, alongside traditional ecological knowledge and advances in the environmental humanities. The book pushes beyond the notion that gardening is always good for the planet, highlighting alternative approaches to how we can design, inhabit and enjoy our gardens and public green spaces, for the benefit of not only our species, but also all the others we share these places with. This one hour film is a recording of a talk which took place at the Garden Museum in October 2022. Purchase at https://gardenmuseum.org.uk/film-library/darryl-moore-gardening-in-a-changing-world/

Saturday, June 3, 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm – Floodplain Forests

Floodplains have special plants that are adapted to inundation and fluctuating water levels. Join The Native Plant Trust and Neela de Zoysa an easy walk in the Greenways Conservation Area in Wayland, Massachusetts, on June 3 at 1 pm, to observe the vegetation of a typical small-river floodplain with nearly half a mile of shoreline accessible to the Sudbury River. This stretch of the river is federally designated as a wild and scenic river and has beautiful stands of silver maple (Acer saccharinum), basswood (Tilia americana), swamp white oak (Quercus bicolor), red maple (Acer rubrum), and shrub swamps of buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis). $30 for NPT members, $36 for nonmembers. Register at http://www.nativeplanttrust.org/events/floodplain-forests/