Thursdays, June 8, July 13, August 10, and September 14, 6:00 pm – 2023 Walking Tours Exploring the People and Places of Historic New Bedford
Walkways: Exploring the People and Places of Historic New Bedford is a free in-person walking tour series from 6 pm – 7 pm every second Thursday in June, July, August and September. The series is made possible by the generous support of the New Bedford Local Cultural Council.
On June 8, gather at the Rotch-Jones-Duff House and Garden, 396 County Street, for a tour highlighting people as well as places significant in the development of New Bedford. On July 13, meet at Custom House Square, New Bedford Whaling National Park, for tour focused on the impact of the Civil War on New Bedford, and New Bedford’s contribution to the war effort. Stops include the landmark sites within the Historic District. August 10’s event recounts the rise and fall of the textile industry and its continuing effect on New Bedford – this tour starts at the the Joseph Grinnell Mansion, 379 County Street. Finally, on September 14 starting at 3 pm, meet at the Rural Cemetery, 149 Dartmouth Street (the Dartmouth Street Entrance) for the Rural Cemetery Tour, which not only features the people interred but also the art and symbolism of their monuments.
For details, visit the New Bedford Preservation Society website HERE.