Daily Archives: July 11, 2023

Tuesday, July 18, 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm Eastern – Field Discoveries, Online

Join Native Plant Trust for a closer look at some of the rare New England plants we monitored in the most recent field season, as well as some new plants we discovered. This webinar will also discuss conservation facilitation and address how the pandemic and a transition to a new data system are affecting Native Plant Trust’s Plant Conservation Volunteer efforts. Micah Jasny will speak live on July 18 from 6 – 7 online. $12 for NPT members, $15 for nonmembers. Register at http://www.nativeplanttrust.org/events/field-discoveries/ Picture: Copyright: Dan Jaffe © Native Plant Trust

Thursday, July 20, 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm Eastern- Shade Gardens: Embracing the Dark Side, Online

Creating lush and vibrant gardens in the shade tends to frustrate even the best gardeners. How do we infuse more color, adventure, and intrigue into those spaces? The mood, plants, and conditions act as our guide. This July 20 Native Plant Trust virtual workshop with Cheryl Salatino blends site-specific assessment, design strategies, and plant options to help enliven your imagination. The webinar will be from 5:30 – 8:30, and is $45 for NPT members, $54 for nonmembers. Register at http://www.nativeplanttrust.org/events/shade-gardens-embracing-dark-side/ Please note: NPT does not make video or audio recordings of classes or programs available after the fact, because we believe education is interactive, with instructors and students building a community and culture of learning. Some programs may be recorded strictly for instructor-training purposes.