Join the Framingham Garden Club and The Framingham Public Library for Books in Bloom, floral interpretations of favorite books from 90 years ago. Books include Gone with the Wind, Madeline, How To Win Friends and Influence People, the Hobbit, As I Lay Dying, and The Joy of Cooking and their interpretive floral designs of these books. The Framingham Garden Club is celebrating its 90th anniversary. The presentation and free reception will take place September 27 at 7 pm in the Costin Room, Framingham Public Library Main Branch, 49 Lexington Street. View the exhibit Thursday the 28th from 9 – 9, and on Friday and Saturday the 29th and 30th, 9 – 5. This four-day public event, in partnership with the Framingham Public Library, is part of othe Club’s “give back to our community” goal for FGC’s 90th Anniversary celebrations, and is one of four community events offered by FGC in 2023.