Daily Archives: February 13, 2024

Thursday, February 22, 4:00 pm Eastern – Dee Salomon: Into the Woods with “The Ungardener”, Online

The Garden Club of the Back Bay is offering a February Zoom meeting on February 22 at 4 pm Eastern with Dee Salomon. Although her outdoor landscape was designed by the renowned Miranda Brooks, Dee Salomon prefers spending her days ‘ungardening’ in the woods where she is rehabilitating the 15 acres of woodland she and her partner live on.  The story of her journey starting as a NY executive to becoming an advocate for the restoration of native woodland habitats – from backyards to land trusts – contains a message we all need to hear.  Dee will deliver that message and share her experience, in word and image, of transforming an invasive-filled woodland into a place for human joy and animal survival. If you are interested in attending (registration required before February 20) email HERE or join the Club at https://gardenclubbackbay.org.

Saturday, February 17, 10:00 am – 12:00 noon – The Supply and Demand of Straight Native Species

Instructors Marie Chieppo and Jasmine Callahan will discuss the recent surge in demand for straight native species by homeowners and others who are invested in the campaign to attract birds and insects that depend on straight species for food and habitat on Saturday, Feb. 17, from 10 a.m. to noon. Why does this void exist and what can we expect down the road? The class includes a presentation and interview, with discussion and Q&A to follow.

Marie Chieppo has written articles for the Ecological Landscape Alliance and the Association of Professional Landscape Designers on the topic. An experienced ecological landscape designer, Marie also works in the retail sector at Hyannis Country Garden on Cape Cod. Jasmine Callahan is a former owner of Blue Stem Nursery and now the owner and propagator of Dragonfly Natives.

The class takes place at Berkshire Botanical Gardens in West Stockbridge, and is $40 for BBG members, $60 for nonmembers. Register at www.berkshirebotanical.org