River shores and stream banks have unique riparian vegetation that is adapted to changing water levels. In this Native Plants Trust virtual program on April 8 from 1 – 3, we will follow the Sudbury and Assabet rivers from the watershed’s headwaters in Westborough to its junction with the Merrimac River in Lowell with Neela de Zoysa. Along the way, we will encounter Atlantic cedar swamps, floodplain forests, shrub swamps, emergent marshes, and oxbow lakes as well as the species that characterize them. We will also learn about threats posed by dams, clearing, and pollution.
Please note: We do not make video or audio recordings of classes or programs available after the fact, because we believe education is interactive, with instructors and students building a community and culture of learning. Some programs may be recorded strictly for instructor-training purposes.
$30 for NPT members, $36 for nonmembers. Register at www.nativeplanttrust.org