Rhododendron, lovingly known as “Rhodies,” are a genus of woody plants native to Asia, North America, Europe, and Australia. They grow in temperate deciduous forests often along hillsides and mountain slopes. This spring, the Massachusetts Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society brings you a show that will immerse you in the world of rhodies.
The event includes fabulous rhododendron flower displays, educational lectures and workshops, and opportunities to purchase unusual and rare rhododendrons, azaleas, and other compatible plants grown by society members. As a portion of the event, rhododendron flowers grown by society members will be entered into competition, grouped, and judged by type. A guided informational tour of the show’s entries will help you learn what qualities to look for in your own flowers. Bring your questions! Expert growers will be on-hand to help you learn more about all things rhododendron.
The New England Botanic Garden at Tower Hill will host the two day event. On Saturday, May 18, the sale will begin at 10, and at 2:00 pm, there will be a lecture on Interesting New Rhododendron Hybrids for New England Gardens.
Sunday, the show and sale will take plae from 10 – 4, sale while supplies last, and a lecture Intro to Rhododendrons and Their Care (2 pm.)
On both days, there will be a Guided Flower Show Tour from 12:30 – 1. For more information visit www.nebg.org