Daily Archives: May 14, 2024

Wednesday, May 22, 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm Eastern – Bandstands: History, Decline, and Revival

The People’s Parks are one of the finest legacies of the Victorian age. Designed and bequeathed to the masses as part of a movement encouraging green spaces and recreation, the public park came to symbolize one of the greatest contributions of the era.

Opened in increasing numbers in the industrious nineteenth century, by the end of the twentieth century many of our parks had become sadly neglected. But today they remain outdoor places for everyone to enjoy, acting as children’s play areas, sports grounds and even concert venues and have grown in popularity since the global pandemic. But what do we really know about them? The Gardens Trust is sponsoring a series of six weekly online lectures with Paul Rabbitts on Wednesdays from April 17 – May 22.

Buy a ticket is for the entire course of 6 sessions. or you may purchase a ticket for individual sessions, costing £8. [Gardens Trust members may purchase tickets at £31.50 for the series or £6 each talk]. https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/peoples-parks-tickets-852833737667

The final talk in this series takes place May 22, an entertaining talk on that icon of public parks – the Victorian and Edwardian bandstand, so common once upon a time. This lecture covers their origins from the mid-18th century Pleasure Gardens to their heyday during the Victorian park making era, and includes the impact of a small number of Scottish foundries, to the plethora of brass bands that grew up across the country. We also cover the subsequent decline post World War Two and why we lost so many of them. Their history is fascinating and covers not just brass bands but also cites Bowie, the Bay City Rollers and Dire Straits as users of these least cynical of public spaces. And what about the recent revival of the bandstand in our public parks? This is a highly illustrative talk that engages many and fascinates the listener and has had excellent feedback from those who have heard it.

Saturday, May 18, 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm – Gardening for Baby Boomers: 10 Ways to Garden Smarter as We Get Older

Join Master Gardener Chris Ferrero at Berkshire Botanical Garden on Saturday, May 18, from 1 to 2:30 p.m., to explore how to maintain perennial borders, foundation plots and vegetable gardens that have been created and tended over the years. This course will teach participants how to reshape their garden design and how to choose appropriate types of plants that can improve the gardening process.

Chris Ferrero is a gardening speaker, writer and consultant. Chris is a Cornell Master Gardener from Dutchess County, N.Y., where in addition to speaking and teaching classes, she has led demonstration garden renovations, organized regional events and served on teams as a perennials specialist known for particular expertise in shade gardening, flowering shrubs, pollinator-approved planting designs, and native plants as alternatives to invasives. $25 for BBG members, $40 for nonmembers. Register at www.berkshirebotanical.org