Saturday, May 25 – Monday, September 2 – 25th Studios Without Walls
The Brookline Department of Public Works and Open Space hosts the 25th Annual Studios Without Walls at Riverway Park in Brookline. The Opening Reception is Saturday, May 25 from noon – four pm. The exhibition features site responsive sculpture in Riverway Park by artists Sarah Alexander, Gail Bos, Anne Eder, Janaal Eversley, Barbara Fletcher, Gateway Artists, Liz Helfer, Linda Hoffman, Janet Kawada, Chris King, Bette Ann Libby, Mary McCusker, Silvina Mizrahi, Rachel Shatil, Adrienne Shishko + Suzanne Moseley, Marnie Sinclair, Allen M. Spivack, and Dan Rocha. There are daily self guided tours and an Art Treasure Hunt. For all information visit