Daily Archives: May 27, 2024

Wednesdays, June 5 – June 19, 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm Eastern – Native New England Shrubs, Online

Shrubs vary widely in size,shape, color, bark, flower,and fruit. This Native Plant Trust course led by Brian Colleran will introduce you to almost 50 native New England shrub species, emphasizing plant identification, family characteristics, and historical plant uses. Classes will be held Wednesdays, June 5 – 19 from 6:30 pm – 8:30 online. $ 120 for NPT members, $144 for nonmembers. Register at http://www.nativeplanttrust.org/events/native-new-england-shrubs-online/

Saturday, June 15, 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm – New England Rose Society Show & Sale

Come see a large, colorful array of cut roses displayed at the annual New England Rose Society Show on June 15 from 12:00 – 3:00 at The New England Botanic Garden at Tower Hill. The roses are judged and awarded ribbons and certificates by horticultural judges within the American Rose Society. Learn tips and tricks for easy rose growing and ask consulting rosarians your questions. You do not need to be a member of the New England Rose Society to enter roses. The New England Rose Society is affiliated with the American Rose Society and has been in existence for over 80 years. Their task is to inform and educate people about our national flower, the rose. For more information about the society, visit http://www.rosepetals.org/. This event is included with General Admission. We recommend purchasing your tickets online in advance to secure your preferred date. You can also buy tickets in person at the Garden. There will be two lectures. At 10:30 am, enjoy Easy Roses, Happy Gardens: A Stress-Free Introduction, and at 11:30, hear Friends and Foes of the Garden.