Tuesday, June 11, 11:00 am – Public Launch of the Henry Lee Fund for Boston Parks

The Friends of the Public Garden invite you to the public launch of the Henry Lee Fund for Boston Parks, on Tuesday, June 11 at 11 am at the Parkman Bandstand in the Public Garden. Learn more at https://friendsofthepublicgarden.org/leefund/

The Henry Lee Fund for Boston Parks will provide small grants for tree and sculpture care and support special projects in public greenspaces in underserved neighborhoods throughout Boston.  At the heart of the Lee Fund is a commitment to equity in the quality of our public greenspaces. Henry led the charge to ensure that the Public Garden, the Boston Common, and the Commonwealth Avenue Mall are healthy and vibrant public spaces. Yet beyond these greenspaces, his civic vision of the health of all of Boston’s parks will inspire our outreach to community groups, advocates, and other nonprofit organizations to ensure that Lee Fund grants will spread his impact to the citizens and neighborhoods that need it most. 

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