Daily Archives: July 18, 2024

Thursday, August 1, 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm – Making More Plants Workshop: Division, Propagation, and Seeding

This small-group Heritage Museums & Gardens workshop session is geared toward home gardeners who wish to learn practical how-to techniques for making more plants using several techniques, including division, propagation, and seeding. Mal Condon, Heritage’s Curator of Hydrangeas, will lead this program and while hydrangeas will be the main focus of this demonstration, these practices can be applied to many other woody ornamentals you would plant on Cape Cod. During this hands-on experience, participants will prepare and “strike” their own cuttings and take them home to nurture and develop into well-rooted plants. Plenty of time will be allotted for questions and discussion and, in addition to cuttings and rooting mix you’ll take home, following the program you’ll also receive a PDF file including presentation content via email for your reference. Advance registration is required.

Please note: this program will take place rain or shine. In good weather, it will take place outdoors in the gardens. In the event of inclement weather, the program will be held indoors inside the Heald Center at the J.K. Lilly III Automobile Gallery.

Program fees fund Heritage’s mission to inspire people of all ages to explore, discover, and learn together. Thank you for your support. Program Registration Fee: $30 Members, $40 Non-Members Register at https://heritagemuseumsandgardens.org/mecevents/making-more-plants/?occurrence=2024-08-01

Thursday, July 25, 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm Eastern – Grassroots Advocacy for Climate Change, Online

Join a free online session on July 25 at 7 pm to learn about Mass Audubon’s grassroots advocacy program, Climate and Nature Champions, that mobilizes individuals across Massachusetts to speak with one voice on the most pressing environmental issues of our time. Whether you have been an advocate before or are new to this work, you can help Mass Audubon fight for land and wildlife protections and climate & nature policies by engaging in our current advocacy campaigns to advance smart solar siting, restore horseshoe crabs, and rescue raptors from rodenticide.

Levels of participation vary from emailing your representative on a priority issue to organizing a local community around a specific campaign. Join us to learn more and get involved! Register at www.massaudubon.org