Wednesday & Thursday, August 7 & 8, 9:30 am – 3:30 pm – Drawing in the Garden: Sunflowers in Color Pencils

Get out into the garden and draw amongst the flowers with botanical artist & instructor, Carol Ann Morley. This summer will bring a special garden exhibit of Sunflowers to the Garden at Elm Bank. Capture the beauty of Sunflowers with quick sketches, study the details of the flower’s structure through observation, and add color notes of their vibrant colors. In the classroom have fun creating a color pencil palette to work from and discover what combinations work best for portraying greens and the tricky color yellow.

This class is for artists with some graphite experience. The two classes are Wednesday and Thursday, August 7 and 8, from 9:30 – 3:30, at the Garden at Elm Bank Cheney Classroom. $225 for Mass Hort members, $275 for nonmembers. Register at

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