Thursday, September 19, 10:00 am – 11:30 am – Free Tree Walk: Eisenhower Park/Touro Synagogue
Eisenhower Park is home to many beautiful and noble trees that set the tone for the City of Newport’s inspiring collection, making up the Newport Arboretum. Included in situ is one of the finest mature American elms on Aquidneck Island. The September 19 walk will also include a visit to the garden at the Touro Synagogue, a beautiful green space with a nice diversity of woody plants. NTC Living Collections Manager Joe Verstandig will try his best to wax poetic on all the great trees and share some thoughts on tree stewardship in Newport’s Urban Forest. Eisenhower Park is located at 32 Touro Street in Newport. There is street parking in Washington Square and surrounding areas. Registration is required at