Daily Archives: September 20, 2024

Wednesdays through Sundays, September 27 – October 27 – Naumkeag Pumpkin Show

The Trustees invites you to tour the Naumkeag Pumpkin Show, which opens Friday, September 27, and will be on view Wednesdays through Sundays through October 27. This is an outdoor event. Be prepared to walk across unpaved pathways on uneven terrain through the woods and gardens. Trails may be muddy or icy at times, sturdy boots are recommended. Dress appropriately for the weather that day. Costumes are encouraged! Details and ticketing information are available at https://thetrustees.org/program/naumkeag-pumpkin-show/ Naumkeag is located at 5 Prospect Hill Road in Stockbridge, Massachusetts.

Wednesday, October 2, 10:00 am – 11:30 am – Salt Marsh Garden Tour

Join the Newport Tree Conservancy on October 2 for a detailed look into the delicate art of coastal gardening. Salt Marsh Arboretum is a species diverse landscape bordering on the restored salt marshes of Gooseneck Cove. To learn more about Salt Marsh Arboretum visit our page here. Estate gardener Devin Skelly will join us for an engaging look at the intensive restoration efforts made, involving the reestablishment of native species. Devin will show us around the arboretum, describe the horticultural and restorative work he has done, and showcase the plant collection. Highlights of the arboretum include a paperbark maple grove, young giant sequoia trees, a collection of buckeyes (Aesculus), and the rare wheel tree (Trochodendron aralioides). Registration required at https://www.newporttreeconservancy.org/events/arboretum-tour-salt-marsh-98ngp