Daily Archives: November 10, 2024

Monday, November 18, 7:00 pm – A Taste of Autumn

Russ Cohen, celebrated local naturalist and wild foods enthusiast, will teach us about the snacks we can find in our own backyards- there’s more out there than you think!  On November 18 at 7 pm Russ will give a presentation about foraging and seeing a landscape with an eye for edibles.  We’ve already harvested the garden, but there’s more to enjoy right at our feet if we know how and where to look, and how to gather safely and respectfully. Some of Russ’s favorites include shagbark hickory, black walnut and beach plum, and we’ll be lucky enough to taste some of his recipes. The event takes place at the Durant-Kendrick House, Education Center, 286 Waverly Avenue, Newton, Massachusetts.

Passionate about maintaining and expanding our native edible landscape, Russ can often be found removing invasives and planting native edibles in their place.  He is an authority on edible plants, maintaining a list of about 190 native plant species in Massachusetts and the Northeastern US, and has led walks and workshops for 50 years.  To register and for more info visit grownative.org/our-programs/workshops

Thursday, November 14, 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm Eastern – The Ericaceae of New England: Diversity, Ecology, and Phylogeny, Online

With over 4100 species found across the globe, the Ericaceae—commonly known as the Heath Family— is an incredibly diverse group of flowering plants. New England is home to a broad assortment of these species, many of which grow—and thrive—in some of the region’s most challenging environments. Through the consideration of a subset of these species, this Native Plant Trust online class on November 14 at 6 Eastern will explore some of the traits and interspecific relationships that contribute to the ecological success of the Ericaceae. Additionally, we will touch on the phylogenetic (evolutionary) relationship that exists among some species in this group.

Please note: We do not make video or audio recordings of classes or programs available after the fact, because we believe education is interactive, with instructors and students building a community and culture of learning. $17 for NPT members, $20 for nonmembers. Register at https://www.nativeplanttrust.org/events/the-ericaceae-of-new-england-diversity-ecology-and-phylogeny/ Image courtesy of iNaturalist.