Join The Garden Club of the Back Bay on November 21 for a look at the history of Commonwealth Avenue presented by Past President Margaret Pokorny. Her presentation will cover the topographical developments of the creation of the Back Bay and how this design solution to the new land came about. It also covers some of the historical precedents for the “Mall” form, the changes in the Mall over time and the interesting controversies about the design and species choice.
Margaret will bring us up to date with a “State of the Mall” report, including current maintenance needs, additional species selections, statue lighting and conservation programs. She will also tell us about the extraordinary care of the turf and trees provided by the Friends of the Public Garden.
Margaret is a longtime advocate for Boston green spaces, particularly trees. She attended the Radcliffe Seminars Program in Landscape Design in the 1990s. Her thesis was entitled, “A History and Master Plan for the Commonwealth Avenue Mall.“ Margaret’s historical documentation and hands-on skills helped the City of Boston move forward with much of the revitalization of the Commonwealth Avenue Mall over the past 30 years.
Refreshments will be served. This is a members only event, but if you are not already a member you have time to join at If you are already a member click HERE. The talk will take place November 21 at the Chilton Club, which has a dress code. Women shall wear dresses, skirts, tailored pants, dress pants, or suits. Dresses and skirts must be longer than fingertip length. Leggings are acceptable but only if worn with an appropriate top of mid-thigh length such as a jacket, tunic, or elegant sweater. Denim of any color is not acceptable. Hiking sandals, crocs, sneakers, including designer sneakers, are only permitted if required for a medical condition. Gentlemen shall wear a jacket with a collared shirt or turtleneck.